
Mechanics of Adventure Time ($ATIME)

How Much Supply of $ATIME Will Exist, and Who Can Claim It? (always a free claim)

  • Our goal is for all players in the Lootverse to have a chance to claim some amount of $ATIME for free over the course of multiple “Seasons”
  • There is no “owner holdback” or “owner mint” — the token is claimable through native participation in the Lootverse
Different "Seasons" will make $ATIME available to certain groups, at different claim amounts that evolve over the Seasons.
Season One: Holders of Realms
  1. Duration: Until 300 GAs are summoned
  2. Claim Amount: 100 $ATIME per Realm. Experimental Season.
  3. Total Supply of Realms: 8,000 max
  4. [Season 1] Max Supply of $ATIME to Realms: 800,000 tokens of $ATIME
Season Two: Holders of Genesis AdventurersGenesis Adventurers
  1. Starts: When 300 Genesis AdventurersGenesis Adventurers are summoned, the gates of ATIME will be unlocked for all GAs
  2. Duration: indefinite until Season 3 begins
  3. Claim Amount: 20,320 ATIME per GA
  4. Total Supply of GAs: 2,540 max GAs
    1. Minted Supply of GAs: https://opensea.io/collection/genesisadventurer
  5. [Season 2] Max Supply of $ATIME to GAs: 51,612,800 tokens of $ATIME
    1. Season Two begins when the 300th GA is summoned.
    2. During Season Two, all GAs will have a chance to claim their ATIME, even as more GAs are summoned. So it’s not a “300 GA snapshot” but it’s more like a milestone: when the 300th GA is summoned, we will end Season One and begin Season Two
    3. When we have 300 GAs summoned: ~6.1M tokens of $ATIME claimable by GAs
    4. When we have 900 GAs summoned: ~18M tokens of $ATIME claimable by GAs
    5. Once we have all 2,540 GAs summoned: 51.6M tokens of $ATIME claimable by GAs
    6. But of course this max supply will take a very long time to reach
    7. Along the way, we will flip over to other Seasons (see below), but we will always come back to GAs to let them claim their ATIME (one claim per GA).
Future Seasons: (Potential Ideas, will be voted on by the community)
Holders of OG Loot bags
  1. Duration: TBD
  2. Claim Amount: 2,540 $ATIME per Loot bag
  3. Total Supply of Loot Bags: 8,000 bags
  4. Max Supply of $ATIME to Loot bags: 20,320,000 tokens of $ATIME
Holders of mLoot bags
  1. Duration: TBD
  2. Claim Amount: TBD $ATIME per mLoot bag
  3. Total Supply of mLoot Bags: 1M+
  4. Max Supply of $ATIME to mLoot bags: TBD tokens of $ATIME
  • Holders of sLoot
The 16 Orders who hold the "used" Genesis Mana tokens
  1. Duration: TBD
  2. Claim Amount: 2540 $ATIME per Used GM (though TBD)
  3. Total Supply of used GM: 20,320 Used GMs
  4. Max Supply of $ATIME to the 16 Orders for their Used GM: 51,612,800 tokens of $ATIME
  • And beyond!